These airplanes are regularly inspected in accordance with FAA regulations and all maintenance items brought up to manufacturers’ specifications. They are carefully maintained, and monitored closely for maintenance items that need attention. The safety of our students is our highest priority, not just in the flight training they receive, but also in the quality of maintenance provided for the aircraft they fly.
1 hour | $145.00 Four available.
This aircraft is designed to teach basic flight. It is docile, forgiving, straight-forward, and well-mannered. Its simplicity allows the student to concentrate on the basics of flight without being distracted by any arbitrary handling characteristics or complex procedures.
1 hour | $195.00 One available
This aircraft, though designed primarily for instruction in operating a complex airplane, is ideal for the weekend cross-country with the family or friends. A four-seat airplane with retractable gear gives you both speed and economy on those get-aways.
1 hour Private/Commercial/Instrument Pilot Instruction $50.00
1 hour CFI Instruction (Class or Individual) $65.00
Quality instruction is the key to your success. We hand pick our instructors so you always get instruction that far exceeds minimum standards.
A checkout flight is required prior to renting an airplane. This checkout flight will include a license and logbook review, as well as determining that the potential renter meets all the regulatory requirements and is competent to fly the airplane solo.
Each renter will be required to read, be familiar with, and sign the operating rules and restrictions agreement and financial responsibility agreement of Phoenix Flight Academy and the Spanish Fork Airport.
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